View this post on Instagram UNTOUCHABLES 🧑🦼🧍🏾 Such a beautiful film ! All actors are great in this movie. The main song from the film gives me tears, the feeling with the piano is so awesome. Una Mattina from @ludovico_einaudi arranged for guitar 🙂 I allready uploaded it played with steel strings but it sounds so much better on a classical guitar 🥰 So cool to play ! . . . . . . #classicalguitar #classicalguitarist #classical musician #classicguitar #guitarra #fingerstyle #guitarist #omarsy #fingerstyleguitar #acoustic #acousticguitar #guitareclassique #acousticmusic #untouchable #moviesoundtrack #ludivicoeinaudi #classicalguitarmusic #classicalmusic #classicalmusician #riffoftheday #classicalmusicians #classicguitar #acousticguitar #guitarraclasica #acousticmusician #dailymusicians A post shared by BARBO • Acoustic Guitar (@barbomusic) on Feb 10, 2020 at 10:03am PST Klassikgitarre Share
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